Tuesday, May 29, 2012



For the past few months, there may be a few incidences which was brought to light that had somewhat made you ponder on your overview of life’s perceptions and fundamentals. You challenged your own ground rules and understandings of what life means to you. You might suddenly realize that the complacency and routine events in life are too mundane. It is not uncommon, as the energy is shifting more vigorously and it unveils a different level of thoughts and wisdom for you now. No right or wrong, just a different angle of perception.

Do not doubt your existing overview of lifes’ perceptions and fundamentals. All are meant as experiences. Life is all about perceptions and different people have different perceptions. All you can do now is to do what makes you feel most comfortable. Live today as though you have never lived before. Be enthusiastic about living it to the fullest.

Do not sink in further on the complacency of life but rather try something new. Be adventurous. Do things differently. Eat things you have always wanted to try, wear a new outfit, learn new skills, anything at all.

Blue obsidian has come forth with a message for the month of June to share its healing properties; a crystal clear reflective stone that allow us to look at ourselves and support us to release all energies, patterns, perceptions etc that no longer serve our higher self.