Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Many crystals in the market today are found with a combination of different crystal properties. Crystals may be combined by nature or by human.

Combination of properties by nature is usually due to the availability of those properties in the same location and the chemical properties of their molecules are able to bind together. For instance you may have the widely available amethyst combined with citrine known as Ametrine, Lapis Lazuli with a combination with Malachite and etc. Not all combination of crystals is renamed as there are too many varieties in the market.

The combination allows the crystal to have a more vast healing property; both the generic healing properties and individual characteristics. As previously mentioned, although crystals are from the same family, they have different characteristics/ personality. For instance Rose Quartz has loving energy, but one particular Rose Quartz you have may boost your planning ability.

Combination of crystal by human is intentionally done to merge the crystals of 2 different properties. This method is to energetically bind two or more crystals together to optimize the healing properties. Most of the time, crystals chosen are those that are not able to combine chemically or the user wants to optimize the individual characteristics of the particular crystal. It is not necessary that the crystals are physically bound /stuck/ tied together. Energy binding means placing them together and to set intention to use them together. Physical binding only serves for convenience of usage. Photo below shows a kyanite wand physically wired with Citrine.