Wednesday, June 27, 2012



For this coming month, it is the time to work within you. It is a time for inner self reflection. Look into the window of your inner self and ask, are you at peace? The key here is living in a neutral state at this present moment. Worry not of the past or the future. Be at peace and at ease with the going-ons around you. One moment of peace can be nirvana. It is not an achievement of any energy state; it can be felt in your vessel with a peaceful serene state of mind.

There are too much on earthy planes that are capable to distract you, programs after programs of experiences which some are not even yours to go through. Centralize yourself, bring back all fragments of energy and be a complete you.

Reflect all encounters that create uncomfortable feelings within you.

(Note: Repeat the following steps for each encounter that bothers you)

• the reason you feel and react the way you did

• the cause of your reaction and feeling; drill down to the root cause

• any part of your feelings and reactions which is self ego?

• was how you felt and reacted the only option? Could there be other alternative feelings or reactions to that same encounter?

• Now reflect on the importance and significance of this encounter versus the fact that you are alive? Is that encounter is more significant?

• Can you then let go, release and make peace with that encounter? Remove all uncomfortable feelings and energies off that encounter and understand it as merely an incident.

Do one of the following: work with Master Guardian of Apatite, carry the stone or wear it. Meditate with it, make elixir. Be creative with it.