Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Forgiveness is a subject that many find hard to let go and release in earthly plane. There are so many struggles and dilemma in us to argue what is right and wrong, who is right and wrong etc. In a bigger picture, encounters with all souls and elements are merely a fragment of our soul’s journey. Everyone and everything is just a subject assisting our soul’s journey. Thus, do not be too hard on them.

Forgiveness can be done on soul level, which eases the situation in our present lifetime. This intention allows us to release the ties which our soul is still firmly holding on consciously and not consciously. While in our present time, the person or element may or may not be around anymore.

In line with that, releasing the ties of those known and unknown to us is also important. Our soul has lived in many lifetimes, different universes, various dimensions and realms that are very likely not known to us in our present understanding. These ties do influence our current journey as it creates patterns, memories and etc.

Below a simple releasing intention which you may find helpful.

Center yourself, be at peace and breathe gently. You may intuitively select a crystal to accompany this session.

Once ready, recite the intention below

With the permission of my higher self and for the highest good of my soul journey

• I ask for forgiveness from all souls and elements of all doings, actions, speech, energies that are tied to programs associated with forgiveness

• I, forgive all souls and elements of all doings, actions, speech, energies that are tied to programs associated with forgiveness

that is known and unknown, conscious and not conscious to me

of all god zillion years, god zillion universe, god zillion dimension, god zillion realms and beyond time and space and void

of present life, parallel lives, past lives, future lives and lives beyond my knowledge

that all these obsolete energies be released.

I thank you for your contribution to my soul journey.

Let this be done for the greatest good.

Breathe gently and clear your mind off any thoughts, memories and etc.

**This intention can be repeated as frequently as you intuitively feel so.