Wednesday, July 18, 2012


The planet Earth is resided by many light beings ranging from human, plants, animals, angels, fairies and so forth. Many times, light beings are busy living their cycle of life, while generous in giving to others but maybe neglecting self healing. Some may or may not even know how to self heal effectively. Sometimes we see the light beings at a less optimum energy level , ignorant of their actions that could hurt themselves in some ways.

Which crystal?
Pink Peruvian Opal is discovered in Andes and brings forth a different vibration as compared to Pink Opal. Hidden under the ground of Andes for millennium, it is reserved for the right timing. These opal brings forth the energy of awakening, allowing more light beings to be touched with the deeper vibration of love, joy and peace; allowing one to have the light body capable to receive and to shift more quickly and smoothly in this new age.

So how can you assist?
With the permission of their higher self, we will use our intention to channel the blessing lights of love, joy and peace from Oneness and Pink Peruvian Opal, to them. It allows one to open their heart to receive more and be attuned to a shift in energy level, attitude, mood, and perspective (whichever applicable).

Begin with centering yourself and be in peaceful state. With intention, dissolve and transmute all energies that no longer serve us to all that is required by Mother Earth.

Ask for the presence of the Master Guardian of Pink Peruvian Opal or hold the crystal in your hand, and recite the below intention:

… With the purest intention of Divine, I ask for the permission from my higher self and the higher selves of all light beings (whichever applicable) to allow this healing session to take place. (If you are holding the crystal; ask that this crystal be awaken to its utmost power).

… I ask for the connection to Mother Earth and connection to refine energy matrix of Oneness.

… I ask for the refine energy matrix of Oneness to align, cleanse, heal, restore and purify our body systems, chakras, grids, nodes and all that is for my highest good and the highest good of all light beings. I ask that this be done till its completion and be integrated smoothly. All excess energies to be grounded.

… I ask for the Master Guardian of Pink Peruvian Opal to shine forth its healing lights to our heart center and allow the healing lights to expand and shine vibrantly dissolving all that no longer serve us. Allow the vibrant light to cover all our body systems and continue to shine as vibrantly as the sun.

… I ask that this be done till its completion and be integrated smoothly. And so be it.
(Breathe gently and deeply)

Know that your contribution will be well received and appreciated