Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Good news, as this month would be a month for our energy level alleviation and enhancement. The new wave of energy will allow us to push out the debris and blockages in our cellular memories in our physical body. It will also allow all emotions that no longer serve us, all mental patterns and designs that no longer work to be cleared and to realign all spiritual matrixes so that we are able to synchronize with the upcoming energy wave.

What you may encounter is discomfort in any of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body level. Any or all of your 5 physical senses may experience uneasiness. You may encounter incidences of emotional instability. You may have deep thoughts on certain topics and question whether the existing condition is already at its optimum. You may ponder at a deeper level of spirituality and recognize the reality of life or perhaps life currently is uneventful and that you are just enjoying the moments as they are.

What can you do?
Whether or not you are experiencing any happenings to you at the moment, you may use a tourmaline to allow the release of these energies, patterns and matrixes to accompany you through the month of August. You may request for the crystal to assist you to release all that no longer serves you which are known or unknown to you through dreams and only those that is significant be reviewed to you. At the same time, use a Tourmaline to assist you in preparing all your body systems to its optimum and assist in the energy enhancement process. Bask in the energy alleviation, allow it to enhance your light body and prepare you to the next level of your journey.

Do one of the following: work with Master Guardian of Tourmaline, carry the stone or wear it. Meditate with it, make elixir. Be creative with it.