Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The light/wave frequency of Sapphire shines on us and moves through us as columns and columns of multi colored rays. These columns bulldozes out all the debris of the energies that no longer serves us. All stubborn blocks are pushed out whether you are aware of it or not. As such, some of us may be encountering events, programs and cycles which look familiar to those huge unpleasant incidences that you had encountered before. Just as you thought those were all history, you will be surprised they are still very strongly embedded in you. Those memories, your perceptions, reactions towards these incidences are once again brought to surface for you to re-examine, be aware of and be released at this significant time.

Breathe as you recall them or re-experience them, allow the multi colored sapphire rays ranging from black, blue, purple, green, yellow, pink, white and etc to comb through all your body systems of all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and etc) for a massive cleansing. Breathe and allow the flow of rays to carry with it the energy to mend, restore and purify your body systems. Allow your body to receive these rays and share forth its healing properties. Sapphire brings in new gifts and wisdom, regenerates and energizes your body systems, allowing new codes to be activated to melt away all obsolete chronic patterns which may create imbalance and diseases on your body systems. Trust that the rays bring in abundance of regenerative seeds for your further growth. Allowing the release of old codes and accepting the new codes with open heart and arms, prepares your body’s systems to adapt to the energy shift.