Wednesday, August 22, 2012


For a safe, smooth and joyous journey on land, place a Moonkaite/ Mookaite in your vehicle or bring along while you travel on road. It is a beautiful stone with energies to protect you while you are in the path where many people are likely to have their programs triggered, their emotions released, and mentally worked out. Most people find that traveling on road especially driving can sometimes be very stressful.

Path and places that create the space for gathering and excursion is a space for us to exercise and release our programs. If you are able to maintain your body systems at an optimum level each time, it will then reduce your possibilities to be colliding with someone or some events or possibly be caught into other people’s program.

Nonetheless, it is still a good option to place a Moonkaite/ Mookaite in your vehicle, or travel with one. It grounds energies very fast and creates a healthy boundary for you. All energies which are less conducive will be transmuted to love and light. It teaches us to focus on our self and not be roped into others’drama; most importantly, to have a joyous light within us. A joyous heart weaves out radiance which is the most natural protection for us.

For those who travel on water, keep an aquamarine with you. Water carries and surfaces numerous energies; especially the unknown and fear. Traveling on water has a tendency to wit out your hidden emotions, memories and literally removing you from your ground. It may make you think deeply and questioning infinitely. It may make you wonder; wondering with confidence and happy thoughts are less worrying. However, if you feel your grounds are shaken, your emotions are in a mess, use an Aquamarine. Aquamarines are very powerful in stabilizing and normalizing wavy unstable emotions. It is also very capable in removing the wondering ‘What Ifs’ thoughts and bringing you back to your center to feel stabilized.