Wednesday, August 8, 2012


In the context of Oneness, all things are one.

However, there are times that we may feel a need to shield or protect ourselves when we encounter energy which are foreign or which may create imbalance to our energy body. The idea of shield or protect is merely to segment ourselves from these foreign energy until our body system is able to normalize it.

At times when there are circumstances which create a knowing of the presence of threat, discomfort or imbalance, you may create an intention to segment yourself from that space or from the advancement of that foreign energy. Segment yourself with a radiant of golden globe as quickly as possible.Then call in your guides, protective guides, angels or crystal master guardian familiar to you. For example, Master guardian of Chiastolite, Pietersite, Angelite, Tiger’s Eye, Black Obsidian to guard your space and spread its healing light vibrantly to ward off and heal the intruding energy.

To maintain and guard your space, you may carry or wear one of the crystals above. Place it where you sleep or at the location where you spend your time most.