Wednesday, August 1, 2012


One of the popular questions asked is whether crystal is able to assist one to sleep more soundly, have fewer dreams, sleep for a longer duration or deeper rest. There is no one particular stone to solve that puzzle. In fact you need to know the reason why you are not able to have quality sleep.

If you are a person who think and react in awesome speed, think a lot, or replay the incidence of the day or those that is troubling, you will need grounding and integration. Your body system (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) are probably working too fast. You will need to slow down, ground the excess energies from your bodies and allow it to pace down. Apart from many ongoing incidences in your life, your body systems are also internalizing and integrating energies around it or new download from the universe. Thus, you may work with grounding stones i.e. Hematite, Black Obsidian, Onyx, Smoky Quartz. For deeper sleep quality, you may work with integrating stones i.e. Black or Blue Kyanite, or any rutilated crystals such as Rutilated Quartz, Rutilated Tourmaline.

Dreams are our sub conscious processor to our life pattern. It is able to show the past, the parallel, the current and future life time or life events. Most dreams are related to you, unless your blueprint needs you to implement certain special functions for the universe. If you need a clearer vision to carry out those special functions, try iolite.

Depending on your soul’s priority, the more important ones are processed first. There are dreams that you may have a vivid recollection of images, emotions, or messages. For those that you can remember, it was meant to be shown to you. If you are semi conscious in the dream, ask if there are any messages or actions required. Gauge the response; these responses are from your higher self. If you cannot figure them out but feels the urgency and importance of knowing them, use dream recalling crystals such as Herkimer Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Brandberg. These are powerful stones. Use with wisdom.

There are dreams that you may not remember. You know you had dreams but you cannot recall any fragment of it or cannot make up the overall picture of that dream. Not to worry. It is then deemed not important. All you need to do is to simply release those energies and memories. You may use crystal such as Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Chalcedony.

Journeying or astral travel while you are asleep is a very common routine. You know you are journeying when you wake up with tiredness and feel physically drained as though you had worked yourself out. Journeying is not good or bad neither is it a must to journey. Sometimes our soul finds a need to do so, while other times it is just a playful casual visit. To eliminate the tiredness and have yourself shield when you journey, leave crystal such as Astrophyllite, Prehnite by your bed side.

If you think you need more peace and gentle calming energy, use crystals such as Selenite, Amethyst, Snow Quartz, White Howlite, Rose Quartz, Sodalite when you sleep.

To boost your energy level and to be more refreshed and energetic the following morning, you may try energy boasters such as Yellow Calcite.