Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Many have asked, “which is the best crystal to use to attune ourselves this month of December 2012, the month being the prophesied important month?”; The month, said as the end of world, the end of time, the beginning of new age, the new wave of ascension and etc.
The best is none other than ourselves. We are part of nature, and we have many natural components built in us. We are built with calcite crystal in our pineal glands among other natural components in our body. We have crystallized energy body which we have been working with to sustain the shifts and changes of frequency.
By now, we are ready. Bask in the energy wave of December and allow the attunement to naturally synchronize with our body systems. Do not be anxious or afraid of the change.  Nature will take its course. All you need to do is to be at neutral state, silent your mind and be at peace.
Do not create unrest within yourself. We have come a long way to where we are. Paths had been charted, preparations done by the identified ones.
If there is one thing you like to assist, follow the below intention

  • Close your eyes and silent you mind

  • Align your energy body with refine energy matrix of Oneness and with Mother Gaia.

  • Allow the healing ascension waves gust through your body systems from above to the ground. Allow the entire refreshing wave to wash away all that no longer serve you and replace with new energy for your highest potential.

  • Intuitively gauge the duration of your connection. When you intuitively feel that it is completed, gently open your eyes and remove all connections. Allow smooth energy integration and have the excessive energy grounded to Mother Gaia.

  • And this be done for the greatest good of you