Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Double Terminator wands can be found in its natural raw formation or shaped by man. As most crystals’ chemical structure do not permit it to form single or double terminators, man shaped them to further enhance the functionality of these crystals.
Double Terminator wands have the capability to transform energies simultaneously from both terminators. Depending on its Divine intended function, it may have different combinations of inlets (to draw in energies) and outlets (to transmit out energies).
For instance the combinations may be as below
·         Both Inlets
·         Both Outlets
·         One side Inlet and the other outlet
Similar to other crystals, the energy transmutation is done by the crystal as a whole; not necessary any single point or center within the crystal. 
Double Terminators are very efficient for energy transmutation as it allows speedy and multiple levels of energies to be simultaneously alleviated, bridged and or changed using one single crystal. It is able to hold very high energy vibration in itself, without much channeling effort from the user. The healing intention is set to the highest good for all. Thus, Double Terminator needs very little programming effort from the user.  However, use it with care and awareness of the healing that will take place. Double Terminators are recommended for massive and comprehensive healing and Divine work. It may be too strong for meditation or long hour sleep for those who are sensitive to energy unless you intuitive feel comfortable.

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