Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Nephrite are usually found in lighter color or white as compared to its cousin Jadeite. Jadeite are found in darker green or sometimes multicolor of brown.
Nephrite have been around for many million years, and the newly alleviated energy after end 2012 has expanded its healing properties to greater vastness and depth. It is now able to connect you more easily to the Divine Oneness to experience bliss and peace as you quiet down. Seek no further than within you. You are Divine and your heart chakra is the doorway within. The state which requires lighter lightbody can now be achieved more easily. Nephrite heightens the energy of your light body and expand your heart chakra to greater vastness. Its vibration disolves  the blockages, dilemmas, worries, heartaches and etc that no longer serve your highest potential. Be prepared to experience the limitless compassion, peace and bliss.

Once these energies that no longer serves you are disintegrated and removed, you will be able to view things in a different perspective allowing more harmony, love and peace to flow into your life.

Do one of the following: work with Master Guardian, carry the stone or wear it. Meditate with it, make elixir. Send it as a gift, use it to grid a space and share its healing properties with others. Be creative with it. Ask for its healing properties to be shared with you and people around you. Experience the limitless expansion and achievement.