Wednesday, February 12, 2014


This is a great month to work on your Sacral chakra if you have not already worked on your Root chakra healing on your own in the previous month.

If you are in the midst of transition, use stones such as Garnet, Ruby, Red Agate, Snowflake Obsidian, Black Obsidian, Brown or Black Tourmaline or any stones which you intuitively decide to work with your Root Chakra. It is a good time to reset and expand your basic needs. It is also a great duration to heal your lineage and ancestral trail. Your spinal area is one of the areas which require healing. Place the crystal near or on your tail bone or any segment of the vertebra which requires healing. Cleanse the energy and cellular memories at that area which no longer serve you and reset a new intention. Send your intentions to the Universe to attract those that you need e.g. wealth, security, good health, improved relationship and so forth.

When you are ready, work on healing your Sacral Chakra. Sacral chakra holds the power to fuel your life. It is the centre of creation, expansion, and growth. This chakra governs your balancing scale between your predefined freedom and work rules versus those that are implied to you externally. When you are forced to bend too much to fit into the environment, this chakra’s energy is compromised and may lead to illnesses. A healthy and vibrant chakra allows powerful ability to create and manifest. This is the centre of joy. Use yellow, gold, honey, orange or any stone which you intuitively decide to work with your Sacral chakra. Example of crystals: Citrine, Yellow Calcite, Orange Calcite, Rutilated Quartz, Beryl and etc. Place the crystal near or on the area 1 inch below your navel; for women, it is the womb area. Cleanse the energy that no longer serve you and reset a new intention. Creatively set your intentions to create and expand whichever you need e.g. work life balance, joyful relationship, career expansion, new business opportunities, right person in your life and so forth. 

You may also do one of the following: Place the crystal at your bedside, work with the Master Guardian, carry the stone or wear it. Meditate with it, make elixir. Present it as a gift, use it to grid a space and share its healing properties with others. Be creative. Ask for its healing properties to be shared with you and people around you. Experience the limitless expansion and achievement.

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