Sunday, July 24, 2011


For practitioners who are familiar with clearing past life, downloading activation codes, opening portals, retrieving wisdom/gifts/ skills, you may like to travel with your crystals or have someone carry it while they travel to significant sites. As previously shared, downloading time trigger events, memories, wisdom, gifts, skills and etc of the past, current and future life journey could help one to do more at one lifetime. Well, for one that I know it may saves you time and expense. Read more (

Of course, that does not deny the fact that there are significant events that you may need to be physically present at those sites to download it yourself. There are certain codes in your vessel or other significant factors that only by your presence, it can be downloaded and work with. Well, that helps you to streamline and filter out those that the crystals can assist you.

I am fortunate to have a few dear soul mates that travel to many countries. So I prepare the right crystal that resonates with my soul and send them to these travelers

• Ensure the crystal is not bulky; well usually my crystals are thumb size so it does not add much weight to my dear soul mates.
• Set intention that the crystal automatically download all that is significant and for the highest good of my soul and for the crystal. I had an encounter where the clear quartz wand was not just downloading for my highest good, but it downloaded the physic surgery wisdom from Egypt. It was fabulously unintentional. I set it to automatically download to ease the travelers as sometimes, these travelers may not be familiar with downloading work.
• Set intention that the crystal protects and care for the traveler.

So what do we do with the downloads?

Depending on what which are downloaded, you work on it. Some may be as simple as just meditate with it. I had several rare encounters that even while the crystal is still traveling, I was prompt to tune in and work on it; most of the time it could wait till it returns or many months/ years upon its return. So, just be patience. Usually the downloads that you need to work on right away resonates with your ability, blueprint or resources that you have at that time. So you can revisit it after awhile if need be.

Well, if all attempts are not successful, check with another practitioner.