Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Both Sunstone and Moonstone works best hand in hand. If you have either or both the crystal, you may allow it to accompany you through your meditation. Otherwise, we will invoke the essence and call in the master guardian of Sunstone and Moonstone.

Sunstone - Soft, iridescent, pearly luster. Sunstone belongs to feldspar mineral family. It contains bright sparkling inclusions that reflect the warm golden sunlight. Some are mainly milky white or orange-brown with occasional flecks of brilliance sheers of gold light

Moonstone – Opalescence, rainbow iridescence and schillers (twinkle) of blue or milky white. Some are grey, brown, yellow or orange.

You may be in seated or in lying down position. If you prefer, place the crystal on the floor or anywhere on your body or chakras (i.e. solar plexus) whichever resonates best for you.

Close your eyes and call in your guide(s). Connect to the refine energy matrix of Oneness and connect to Mother Earth

Invoke the essence of both Sunstone and Moonstone and call in each respective master guardian

[Clearing and Cleansing with Sunstone]
Ask for all obsolete denser codes of fear/ anxiety/ phobia/ worries/ anger/ annoyance/ resentment/ frustration/ disappointment/ dissatisfaction/ unspoken truth and all that no longer serves the purpose of you higher self to be transmuted to Mother Earth for proper clearing and transmutation to all that is required by Mother Earth.

Breathe out all these codes and energies slowly.

Breathe in gently and repeat the breathing process till you feel comfortable.

Let go and allow all to be release


[Restoration with Moonstone]
Ask for the restoring energies from the Moonstone; healing energies for emotional balance, restoration after release, empathy and femininity.

Breathe in the essence of Moonstone and it healing energies slowly

Breathe out gently and repeat the breathing process

Ask that all excessive energy be grounded to Mother Earth.

Ask your guide(s) to allow smooth and gentle integration and transition to ensure no after-effect.

Once completed, thank your guide(s) and both Sunstone and Moonstone guardian

When you are ready, gently open your eyes

This meditation can be repeated as often as required