Wednesday, November 14, 2012


As mentioned in this blog, month November 2012, Earth is experiencing new awakening rays and is beginning to experience a frequency shift to a finer notch
Many, especially those with strong star connections may find the rays overwhelming as the energy integrates into all our body system. This ray is extremely strong and may create discomfort among those who are more sensitive. You might be affected with sleepy spell, feeling aloft, pain or discomfort on your body or chakras and etc.
A layer of integrating buffer was setup above each individual’s body systems to more quickly transmute this energy to synchronize with our body systems.  Likewise, our heart chakras are crystallized to high vibration crystal alike, to ease integration of this energy.
To aid the process, you may use the following crystals (single or in combination) as below
·         For Integration : Selenite, Crystallized Kyanite
·         For Sustaining Your Energy Body: Kunzite, Clear Quartz, Yellow Calcite
·         For Grounding: Obsidian, Amber
Below is a simple integration intention which you may find helpful.
Center yourself, be at peace and breathe gently. You may intuitively select a crystal to accompany this session.
Once ready, recite the intention below
With the permission of my higher self and for the highest good of my soul journey
·         I ask for the connection to refine energy matrix of Oneness and with Mother Gaia
·         I ask for the presence of my guide and all angels of protection to seal this space for my highest purpose
·         I ask for all energy that no longer serve the purpose of my higher self to be transmuted to all that is needed by Mother Gaia
·         I ask that my body systems, chakras, all bio-magnetic nodes, grids and etc to be cleansed, purified and restored to its optimum. (Breathe gently. When ready continue with the next recital)
·         I ask for all energy that is for my highest good to be channeled into my body system according to my individual pace. Allow it to be transmuted and molecularized to synchronize my energy body. 
·         Gently release all blockages as I breathe. (Breathe gently. When ready continue with the next recital)
·         Allows this to be done till its completion and be smoothly integrated to my body systems
·         I ask for all excessive energy to be transmuted to all that is required by Mother Gaia.
Let this be done for the greatest good.
Breathe gently
**This intention can be repeated as frequently as you intuitively feel the need
Do drink more water, rest or sleep more for better integration