Saturday, September 25, 2010



- Chalcedony reminds each soul that one’s body, mind, emotions and spirit is ONE
- The rhythm and cycle of energy elevation is closing in steadily yet speedy. No time to waste, no time to procrastinate.
- View things in a bigger picture; do not dwell in nitty-gritty issues. Do not keep chasing after your own tail. It’s time to take a step back and review
- You are part of the big picture. Your existence is significant
…. we come to remind and assist you to move forward as the earth energy elevates. Mother Gaia shifts and move forward similar as you; for all is ONE. No one knows how tough the clearing and cleansing would be each time during a shift. However, a well balanced body, mind, emotions and spirit will ensure a smoother journey. The outcome is predictable yet no one dares to confirm as any complacency will lead to its failure.
If you choose to stay in complacency or plain laziness, then you know you will be left behind. How do you want us to sound the siren of urgency to inform you the intensity of the current urgency? If we could, we like to be gentle. But if gentleness doesn’t alert you, does catastrophe do a better job?