Saturday, September 25, 2010


Similar to any channeling session, the keyword is KNOW and TRUST. Known and trust your receiving senses and your source of information.

First, know that we have more than just 5 senses. There are other advanced senses which makes you a Clairvoyance (Vision), Clairaudience (Sound), Clairsentient (Touch), Clairalience (Smell), Clairgustance (Taste), Claircognizance (Knowledge) and etc.

These advanced senses detect universe information which travels finer and lighter that the usual wave of frequencies. This information is useful and significant if used wisely. Our soul can interpret these frequencies and translate them.

Instead of channeling your higher self, a guide or general Universe consiousness, try channeling a crystal. It is more specific and you can connect to it easier as you have a physical piece with you. Select any crystal that you fond of. Cleanse and awaken the crystal by a simple intention 'I ask that you be cleanse and awaken to your utmost power'.

To practice channeling this information, first balance your energy body and be at ease. Align your chakra with the refine energy matrix of Oneness. Imagine a connection to the source above you. When you are ready, use any of your advanced senses to detect and interpret the information.
For instance, ask a simple question “What is my most sensitive advanced sensor?”. Then trust the first image, feeling, word that you detect. Trust that small voice that you thought you heard. Do you see, hear, feel, smell, taste, know and so forth?
After you have mastered the skill, it is as easy as you first learn to speak ‘A’, followed by ‘Apple’, followed by ‘I Love Apple’, followed by a whole load paragraph about apples.
If you need confirmation, use a tool i.e. Oracle Card decks or pendulum. Ask a question and when you hear a keyword, elaborate and relate more keywords and phrases. Match if the answers from the tool are identical.