Sunday, September 26, 2010


The 2 common types of meditation templates used are Structural Meditation and Journey Meditation.

Structural Meditation is a step by step intention approach meditation where you recite your intentions and allow the crystal to share forth its healing properties with you. On the other hand, Journey Meditation is suitable for people who are clairvoyant (i.e. people who can follow through imagination). It is easier if it is guided by someone else. From the word 'Journey', it means you will be guided from one scene to another, and be requested to decide or react to situations during the meditation.

Both templates are equally effective. It depends on the purpose of the meditation as well as the person's blueprint which dictates how comfortably one comprehends to either type of the template.

Below a simple guideline for Structural Meditation
1. First, clear the energy of your space
2. Center yourself, be at peace and breathe gently to balance your energy
3. Connect to the energy of Oneness (imagine a source from above) and connect to Mother Earth (imagine a source below) and ask that all excess energies or energies that no longer serve the purpose of your highest good to be channeled to Mother Earth for proper handling
4. Call for Guide(s) to secure the space i.e. Archangel Michael
5. Call for Guide(s) to oversee the meditation session
6. [Optional] Call for Master Guardian of any crystal to guide the meditation session

7. Choose a crystal which you resonate most at this point in time.
- (Number of Crystal) If this is your first attempt, start with one crystal. As you familiarized, you may use more crystals or may use a grid (i.e. spread of crystals).
- (Type of Crystal) For a start, pick crystal that is less aggressive. Light colored crystals are usually more gentle. (Note: It does not mean that all dark colored crystals are aggressive, look up the crystal's healing properties to be more specific)
- (Shape of Crystal) Decide whether you will be seated or in lying down  position during the meditation. Choose a crystal that allows comfort.
- (Placement of Crystal) It is recommended that you place the crystal on your chakra(s) as those are the power stations of your body. If you are not familiar, you may hold it in your hand, place on any part of your body or place near you.

8. Recite the meditation intention.

Below a sample template:
a) (Clearing and Cleansing of Energy) Ask the crystal to clear off all excess, obsolete, fragmented, foreign and any energy that no longer serves the purpose of your highest good.
b) (Restoration) Ask the crystal to fill your soul with essences and qualities that you need presently. Also fill you with abundance, love, light, joy and peace
c) (Rebirth) Imagine a flower bud (or similar essence) blossoming from the center of your heart. Allow yourself to fully embrace this feeling.

9. Ask your guide(s) to allow smooth integration to ensure no after-effect on physical plane. Ask that the healing be done till its completion at your individual pace.
10. Once completed, thank the crystal and all your guide(s)

Note that this meditation is highly recommended for an ongoing self-sustaining effort. It is good to continously keep your energy level at its optimum.

If there is a specific situation or person that you would like to address, you may customised item 8a, 8b and 8c.

For example add questions and scenarios in each phase
a) (Clearing and Cleansing of Energy) Replay the situation or person in mind. Ask yourself the reason you feel uncomfortable? Look at the situation or person as a third person, what would you do differently? Can you identify the lesson(s) involved? Have you achieve peace with the situation or person now? Are you ready to let go of the emotions involved? When you are, breathe out the uncomfortable feelings and tension.Make peace on soul level. Ask the crystal to clear off all excess, obsolete, fragmented, foreign and any energy that no longer serves the purpose of your highest good

b) (Restoration) Ask the crystal to assist to shift the situation or outcome to lighter light that synchronize with the higher self of all persons involved. Ask the crystal to fill your soul and those involved (if any) with essence or qualities that is lacking. As each crystal has its healing properties, it will know which to fill. Also fill with abundance, love and light, joy and peace among anything else

c) (Rebirth) Imagine the ideal outcome of the situation or persons. Aim high; even if you don’t reach where you aim, you fall among the stars. Fully embrace the rebirth filling in your soul.