Tuesday, November 30, 2010


“ .. Rejoice and Celebrate for the ending of time is here. Clear off the last bits of restrictions, boundaries and cancer of thoughts. Let all emotions and feelings that no longer serve you be purified.
It is now time to enjoy the new Code of Rejoice. Let your heart  be open and awaits the new creative wave..”

…. Yes, the wave of closure to purify your soul is here. Clear off any last bits of pain, emotions, sufferings, blockages, restrictions and all that had tied you down. Leave all the burdens that had parasite on your soul. Break the pattern of unwanted energies. All can be done with your pure intention and Goldstone can assist to smoothen your journey. Are you still in doubts? Break the doubt patterns and begin to trust the truth.

Allow the new flow of code and energy to flow into your soul. Be ready to accept the Code of Rejoice. The love of divination begins to flow into those who are ready, the gentleness and touch of oneness weave into you.

Are you ready?