Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Q: What do you do if you use a crystal which has a higher vibration as compared to your energy body

A: Crystals are very brilliant. They will be able to step down their energy level to synchronize with yours. However, if you feel a high surge of energy, quickly ground yourself. Place your hands and feet on the ground and ask that all excess energy be grounded. Moving forward, ask the crystal to work with you at your individual pace and be more gentle.

Q: Is it common for you to be attracted to a certain crystal at a point in time, after which you no longer use it?
A: Yes, that is common. Certain crystals come into your presence at a certain point in time to assist you in a specific duration of your life journey. It assists you as once off, afterwhich you may find that you are no longer intuitively drawn to use it again.

However, there are crystals which are meant to accompany you through your lifetime. You are likely to be intuitively attracted to them from time to time. It may have significant value to you due to its physical form, memories of incidents, healing properties and so forth.

Q: Does the healing properties and usage of each crystal stays the same all the time?
A: No. Energy level on earth changes at different age of accession. Thus, crystals download new activation codes and/or upgrade its energy to synchronize with this energy movement. This means the energy level of the Rose Quartz you use 5 years ago may have changed to a finer energy level now.

Q: Is crystal type A (e.g. Obsidian) better than type B (e.g. Onyx) ?
A: No. Each crystal is brilliant in its own way and each user will pick the ones that resonate with them. Higher vibration crystals (e.g. Selenite) has a finer energy level, it is not smarter but rather it resonates in a higher frequency working with your higher chakras (i.e. crown, soul star, stellar gateway and beyond). For novice, it is recommended that you work with more grounding crystals of Earth to crown chakras before proceeding to higher vibration crystals.
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