Sunday, March 13, 2011


Within Yourself

First, start within yourself. Most of us are here on earth with lesson or missions to accomplish. This is what we refer to personal healing and gradual growth.

All of us understand that when we play in a playground we might
i) Get sweaty and stinky… and shower/water is healing
ii) Get dusty or muddy … and shower/water is healing
iii) Get hurt, fell, injured … and first aid is healing
iv) Experience new things… and those are lessons
v) Acquire new skills … and those are growth
vi) Be having fun with our friends … and those are your soul mates
vii) And many other possibilities

And this is literally the concept of us on Earth.

Well, we don’t like to get hurt, but its part of the package of learning new things, experiencing new concepts or acquiring new skills. It comes in a bundle. So by knowing what’s the game plan and knowing how to take care of yourself is the key to rip more abundance from the experience.

So start working within yourself, take care of your well being by knowing how to master yourself physically, emotionally, psychologically, mentally and spiritually.