Saturday, April 2, 2011


Crystals can be used as massage tools. It is natural and brings forth healing properties of each individual type of crystal. Not only brings forth basic physical healing on surface level where it reduces pain, stress and muscle tension but also brings forth a large scope of physical healing properties for instance detoxification, better skin, supports the body organs, body cells and etc.

Besides, simultaneously it heals the psychological aspect, mental aspect, emotional aspect and spiritual aspects. Many cellular memories of the past are stored in our body, and thus, crystals have just the right properties to get rid of these. So why not? The next time you have a massage session, try using crystal.

I have seen some massage therapy uses the river stones, well that works, because the river stones has calming and relaxation effect, also it takes away emotions that are no longer required. Mind you, river stones are only very young stones. 

Crystal comes in all shapes and sizes. Many of them are commercially shaped into convenient grips for easy handling. You may try crystal tumbles (e.g. Hematite tumble), palm stones (e.g. Seraphinite palm stone), massage wands and etc.

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