Sunday, August 28, 2011



The triangle is back; the Eye of Providence or the ‘All-seeing eye” that is often referred to as The Eye of God is finally back. Behind the rays of Activation Codes which was mentioned a week ago, the triangle of Divine’s Eyes is finally reviewing behind the bright rays of activation clouds of codes. Many notable ancient religious’ oracles had stressed the symbol of eyes as the Divine’s care looking after humankind.

However, many did not know that us as sparks of Divine carries the same essence in our eyes. And now after the cloud of activation codes, you are reminded to see things more clearly, to see the minute and importance of all nature in a different alleviated  wisdom. All earthy rules and regulation are to be wiped out. Just plain simple message “Just look with your bare eyes and love people, objects, situations and etc with no judgments. Look as though it is your first time appreciating those essences, take away all thoughts in relation to them”. If I could put it in a simple term, look with the Eyes of Divine.

With this inner self mastery, you will be shown a different perspective of your life journey.