Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Continue our journey with Series 2, with nine other Tree Angels essences

Series 1: Birch | Ash | Walnut | Elder | Holly | Rowan | Hawthorn | Oak | Aspen
Series 2: Hazel | Juniper | Linden (Lime) | Blackthorn | Yew | Field Maple | Elm | Black Poplar | Larch
Series 3: White Willow | Scots Pine | Apple | Spruce | Ivy | Olive | Almond | Hornbeam | Beech
Series 4: Cedar of Lebanon | Horse Chestnut | Sycamore | Alder | Pear | Pipal | Ginkgo | Cherry | Myrrh

Each series will be scheduled for release in this blog in mid week for 4 consecutive weeks.

You may further customized your meditation with any particular angels, or randomly pick any who resonates with you. Of course, you may work with all of them at once by the end of Series 4. Just check with your intuition and ensure it is not overwhelming for you

Previous writing on Tree Angels

ii) Series 1: Birch | Ash | Walnut | Elder | Holly | Rowan | Hawthorn | Oak | Aspen


You may be in a seated or in lying down position.

Close your eyes and call in your guide(s). Connect to the refine energy matrix of Oneness and connect to Mother Earth

Relax your body before you proceed

[Clearing and Cleansing]
Ask for all that no longer serves you now be channeled to Mother Earth for proper clearing and transmutation to all that is required by Mother Earth.

Gently exhale all that no longer serves you and inhale all that is nurturing for your soul.

[Working with the Tree Angels]

Gently breathe

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Hazel, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Hazel: Trust and Leap | Playfulness | Gift of Sweet Food for Our Inner Child | Open to a World Full of Magic | Wisdom of Simplicity | Spontaneous | Flexible | Joy)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Juniper, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Juniper: Stride Forward or Hold Firm | Attentiveness | Observation | Enter the Balance | Patience and Devotion | Master of Indifference | Duty Becomes Devotion)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Linden (Lime), and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Linden: True Harmony | Powerful Healer | Heal the Human Heart | Heal All Who Live | Social Justice | Humanitarian | Charitable Work)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Blackthorn, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Blackthorn: Aware of Your Shadow | Guardian | Strength to Enter Shadow | Purity | Courage | Turning Point has Arrive | Inner Victory | Healing and Forgiveness to Old Wounds)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Yew, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Yew: Tree of Eternity | Eternal Present | Power of Self Rejuvenation | Transformation | Ever Changing Dance of Love)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Field Maple, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Field Maple: Time to Act | Weave Love into Your Work | Just Do What Needs to be Done | Foresight | Honesty | Reliability | Common Sense | Efficiency | Ability to Organize)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Elm, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Elm: True and Sincere Communication | Space for Understanding, Reconciliation and Empathy | Back to Nature)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Black Poplar, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Black Poplar: Speed and Flexibility in Both Spirit and Matter | Element of Air | Messenger of God | New Impulses and Perspectives | Embrace the New)

I ask for the presence of Tree Angel Larch, and ask that you share forth all healing properties that is suitable for me, my soul mates and Mother Earth
(Essence of Tree Angel Larch: Your Star has Risen | Luck and Inspiration | Power and Perseverance | Strength with Magical Grace and Beauty | Spiritual Clarity | Unexpected Help Coming Your Way)

Breathe in the energies and allow them to be smoothly integrated with your mind, body and soul

Ask your guide(s) to allow smooth integration and transition to ensure no after-effect.

Once completed, thank your guide(s) and tree angels

When you are ready, gentle open your eyes