Monday, August 22, 2011


After a few weeks of intensive clearing and transition, many are now experiencing new growth with the new rays shining on Mother Earth.

So what does that mean for you?

Whether you are aware or not, the new rays shine on Mother Earth anyway; and depending on your blueprint and the internal work that you have done for yourself, the significant of the rays defers by individuals.

Doing more internal work for yourself, allows smooth internal integration which mean, it will allow growth. These growths are manifested in reality as physical/ emotional/ mental/ psychological and or spiritual changes. For instance, your health, career, thoughts, strengthen connection with Divine and etc.

Activation codes are a combination of minute rays, frequencies, and sigils in multiple combinations of colors. Yes, these codes are capable to manipulate the cells in your body which explains the variety of new sickness found. Among other examples new species of nature are also discovered.

It is also capable to shine the most truthful thoughts from your heart. Your fears and blockages to your path are once again brought for your attention. These activation codes also allows all that no longer serves you be dismissed or cleared from your body or bio-magnetic field around you.

Others may be experiencing unconditional love shine forth on all aspects of your life. When you are ready, you will be present with gift, recovering your skills and honoring your truth

If you like, use a Kyanite .. my favorite integration crystal