Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Given a usual circumstance, stones do not prefer to be shelved, boxed or put away unless it has a more significant purpose. 

Yes, timing is the key. Sometimes, they are 'coincidentally' placed away for a greater higher purpose. Many are placed away for decades, century or millennium, then return when the timing is right for a greater higher purpose. 

Some people may choose to place the stone away for it did not quite work from them at certain point in time. However, do remember to bring it out for cleansing from time to time. If you find the intuition to give it away, you must trust the calling. 

So where is a good place to place your stone? 

Anywhere, anywhere that has encounters with nature. A place with sunlight, soil, tree, water, wind, people and etc. This gives it a purpose and allow it to naturally cleanse. For instance, an alter, sacred place is also a good place as that place is usually envelope by nature or usually visited by people. If you like, you may place a pack of natural salt in their presence; ensure sat is not in contact with the stone to avoid chemical reaction.

So yes, think out of the box, that is how you work with stones. Be creative and flexible. All cannot go wrong.