Tuesday, February 14, 2012



.... I ask for connection to Mother Gaia and connection to refine energy matrix of Oneness. I ask for the presence of my Guide(s) and the God / Goddess / Master Crystal Guardian of abundance. 

... With the permission of my higher self, I ask for all energies, memories and ALL that no longer serve the purpose of my highest potential be it conscious, unconscious, known or unknown to be de-molecular and its debris be channeled to Mother Gaia for proper clearing and transmute to all that is required by Mother Gaia. 

(Take a few gentle deep breathe, and move to next paragraph when ready)

... I ask for all links and ties to all sources, entities, relationships, responsibilities and ALL that no longer serve the purpose of my highest potential be it conscious, unconscious, known and unknown; here forth be broken / de-molecular and its debris be channeled to Mother Gaia for proper clearing and transmute to all that is required by Mother Gaia.

(Take a few gentle deep breathe, and move to next paragraph when ready)

... I ask for all body systems (physical, emotion, mental, spiritual and beyond my knowledge) to be cleanse, purify and restore to its optimum. All bio-magnetic nodes in my body to be cleanse, purify, align and restore to its optimum. I ask for all chakras in all my body systems to be cleanse, purify, align and restore to its optimum. 

(Take a few gentle deep breathe, and move to next paragraph when ready)

... I ask for all these to be done for all godzillion years, godzillion universes, godzillion dimensions, godzillion realms and all beyond void of time and space to be done with no judgement of right and wrong, good and bad, all nine shorts, boys and beyond. 

... and I ask of these to be done till its completion with smooth integration. 
(Take a few gentle deep breathe, and move to next paragraph when ready)


... I ask for the God / Goddess / Master Crystal Guardian of abundance to share forth with me abundance of love, light, joy, peace, good health, good wealth and all that is of my highest good. 

... Establish and align myself to your infinite link of abundance and prepare my chakras to retain all abundance flowing from you. Purge out all obsolete energies / codes / programs and ALL that no longer serves and fill them with abundance flowing from you. 

... and I ask of these to be done till its completion with smooth integration. All excess energies to be grounded to Mother Gaia
(Take a few gentle deep breathe till you feel you are filled up with the energies)

... I thank all guide(s) and Divine beings for your presence and sharing with love, light, joy and peace. 

(When you are ready, gently open your eyes)
Note that this meditation does an overall purifying and alignment of abundance for you. You may replay the meditation as often as you intuitively feel so.