Wednesday, February 29, 2012


This month, the medicine word that came along is lemon. Lemon with its natural healing properties help to control blood pressure, boost your immune system, purifies blood, reduce swollen spleen, eliminates body pain, strengthen digestive system, reduces body fat, clears mouth ulcer, clears throat infections and etc.

For March with a slight challenging energy forthcoming, do boost your physical immune system and your energy immune system. There will be challenging moments or events that will affect your solar plexus. As we know, solar plexus governs our authority, personal power, ego and stand. And that associates with Self-Respect, Strong Will, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Empowerment, and Healthy Boundaries.

Physical body parts to watch for are Stomach, Liver, Intestines, and Skin.

You may work with natural healing tools such as fruits, essential oil, stones, colors etc (depending on whichever that is in tune with you at the moment).

If you are looking for lemon yellow stones, check out Lemon Chrysophase, Lemon quartz, Lemon Angelsite, Lemon Topaz, Lemon Sapphire, Lemon Citrine .. Well, you get the idea, it is the LEMON color.

Do one or more of the following:
Carry the stone, wear it, meditate with it, make elixirs or do anything creative with it