Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Sigils are unique divine signatures. Yes, sigils may look odd as it may be a combination of geometries, symbols, writings of other cultures/ realms and etc. As it is a signature, it means it is unique and it is usually simple to re-write. Whereas, a symbol is a represetation of a meaning. For instance  'Star of David'. A mandala, a comprehensive drawing representation of mantras or depiction of a story.

For instance, a sigil of a god or goddess bring forth the representation of its origin. Thus using their sigils intensify its energy properties; and the energy properties may range from healing, wisdom, compassion, courage, strength, abundance, and etc.

You may like to uncover your personal sigil of the past to uncover your already developed skills, your birth lineages, gifts and etc. Is it also common to have more than one personal sigil considering you have encounters with multiple civilizations, realms, dimensions, universes and etc. Thus, you might like to uncover the most significant and powerful at this point in time or most significant of a specific function.

i) Sigil which is most significant and powerful at this point in time will assist you to amplify or bring a greater value to the task you seal your sigil with. This sigil brings forth the origin of your knowledge / wisdom / skills / capabilities / gifts or other significant elements.  As it is mentioned 'this point in time' means another more suitable sigil may be presented to you at a later stage; all depending on your journey.

ii) Sigil which is most significant of a specific function will thus bring forth the mass energy property it represents. For instance in a stage where you were very capable of healing work, that sigil brings forth the knowledge, capabilities and all factors and healing properties it represents; this means it is merely tapping into something you had and / or already knew. Thus you may use it in combination of the tasks in your hand. Moving forward, you may also bring these knowledge / wisdom / skills / capabilities / gifts to a different level

[Uncovering Your Personal Sigil]
- Hold a clear quartz in your hand if you are at a seated position. Place the clear quartz at your heart chakra if you are lying down. (Note: clear quartz can be of any shape)
- Relax your mind, body and heart. Close your eyes and breathe gently and deeply several times till you find you are at peace

... I ask for the presence of the 'Master Guardian of clear quartz' and your guide(s)
... I ask for a clear quartz pyramid to descend upon me, gently encompass my space and share forth its healing properties and grant me the clarity to search within my soul.

... I ask for the permission of my higher self to review to me the sigil(s) that is for my highest potential.

(Breathe gently and deeply several times)

... Imagine a blank space before you. It may be just pitch dark void or of any colours.
... Use your clair senses (seeing with your 3rd eye, knowingness, hearing, sensing with your skin, smelling and etc) to connect to your heart center. Imagine a bright dot of light spurring into designs and patterns in the blank space before you. Relax and let your creativity run as wild as it possibly can

Ask that it shows you
i) your most significant and powerful sigil at this point in time
... Ask for its purpose, when was the time you discover it
... Ask how do you use it
... Ask if there are any other variation of this sigil
... Ask if there are any messages you need to know
(When you feel its completion, breathe gently and calmly)

Thank the Master Guardian of clear quartz and your guide(s)

When you are ready, gently open your eyes.

You may note your findings in your log. This session can be repeated at a periodical basis. You may replace the portion highlighted in gold to uncover your most significant sigil of a specific function.