Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Some crystals are heated with color or dyed to enhance its outlook. Some color enhancements are done so perfectly that people would rather own these as compared to those in its natural state. A dark colored Citrine is more appealing as compared to its commonly found pale yellow. Natural dark yellow Citrine is less common. Know your source(s) to ensure you purchase which you intended.

Colored crystals also play an important role in color therapy. Color therapy is a whole range of therapy which harmonizes your body systems especially at emotion, mental and spiritual level. One of the comprehensive color therapy modality is Aura Soma. Color does wonders to our subconscious mind and is widely applicable in our daily encounters; take advertisements as an example.
Colored crystals carry its original healing properties. Its healing properties are not compromised as long as its chemical composition is not altered. For instance, a white Howlite which is colored to mimic Blue Turquoise retains its Howlite healing properties. However, it changes its color therapy capability from white to blue.

Commonly colored crystals range from Agate, Jade, Carnelian, Aquamarine, Aragonite, Howlite, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Tourmaline, Turquoise and so forth.

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