Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Dendritic Agate also known as Tree Agate connects us back to our root, the source of our soul where our journey begins which is the collective consciousness known as Divine Oneness. It is also able to show us our path as we descend to our physical life.
Tree Agates are most helpful when we face major challenges. It is capable to connect to the source to bring in the unlimited supply from Divine Oneness to protect and see us through these rough times. The healing energy from Tree Agate is gentle, yet powerful. It brings in harmonious, neutralizing and purifying energy to connect us back to our neutral state. It calms all levels of our body system, ranging from physical, emotion, mental, spiritual and beyond. It promotes and elevates our inner wisdom and strength to allow us to handle challenges in most a composed, poise and controlled manner. It balances and calms retaliation of ego self and pride elevating your soul to a higher mental level.
Do one of the following: work with the Master Guardian, carry the stone or wear it. Meditate with it, make elixir. Present it as a gift, use it to grid a space and share its healing properties with others. Be creative. Ask for its healing properties to be shared with you and people around you. Experience the limitless expansion and achievement.
Tree Agates are very closely connected to Tree Angels. Tree Angels are master guardians of each tree species. For example, Tree Angel of Fir, Tree Angel of Pine, Tree Angel of Pear. Each Tree Angel has its set of healing properties similar to crystals which are able to heal all levels of our body systems (physical, emotion, mental, spiritual and beyond)
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Tree Angel Healing
Series 4: Cedar Of Lebanon | Horse Chestnut | Sycamore | Alder | Pear | Pipal | Ginkgo | Cherry | Myrrh
Series 3: White Willow | Scots Pine | Apple | Spruce | Ivy | Olive | Almond | Hornbeam | Beech
Series 2: Hazel | Juniper | Linden (Lime) | Blackthorn | Yew | Field Maple | Elm | Black Poplar | Larch
Series 1: Birch | Ash | Walnut | Elder | Holly | Rowan | Hawthorn | Oak | Aspen
Overview: Tree Angel Healing